Mr. Youssef EL KHOMRI
- President of The Erawan Group PCL

Dr. Arisna Rochanapruk
- Head of Sustainability Development & Corporate Communication Division

Mr. Navarat Tamsuwan
- Head of Project Development, Property Renovation & Operating Maintenance and Cost Center Division

Ms. Kanokwan Thongsiwarugs
- Head of Internal Audit and Company Secretary & Good Corporate Governance Division

Ms. Sangjun Oranrittinun
- Head of Corporate Human Resources Division

Ms. Suvimon Rojkangsadan
- Head of Risk Management Division

Ms. Ploi Aranyakanond
- Head of Hotel & Retail Asset Management Division

Mr. Powpan Werakul
- Head of Business Development Division

Mr. Sebastian Frederic Salmon
- Head of Franchised Hotel Operation Division

Ms. Nalinee Krisadavivat
- President - Hotel Operation
Erawan Hop Inn Co., Ltd.

Ms. Pichanun Boonpromgul
- President - Hotel Investment
Erawan Hop Inn Co., Ltd.
(As of 1 January 2025)
The Company had previously set up a committee and working teams to responsible for environmental, social and sustainability performances of the corporate, which were ‘SD Committee & Working Team’ and ‘Environmental Working Team’, consisted of executives and employees at all levels joined the groups.
However, in 2023, the Board of Directors of The Erawan Group Public Company Limited had a meeting resolution to establish a Sustainability Development Committee (SD Committee), comprised of senior executives by titles from different divisions and business units and chaired by the President of the Erawan Group PCL, to fully integrate sustainability practice at corporate level. The SD Committee shall convene a monthly meeting or schedule as the Chairman of the Committee deems appropriate. The sustainability performance will be proposed to the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors for acknowledgement and/or approval at least once a year.

Roles and responsibilities
- To consider policies, strategies, frameworks, approve targets and goals and material sustainability issues relating to business operations and corporate sustainability development to set up an appropriate operational standard that corresponding to business direction and expectation of stakeholders.
- To govern, monitor, assess and evaluate and review sustainability development performances that align with evaluation and assessment from regulators as well as domestic and international sustainability-related standards and frameworks. In addition, the Committee shall promote collaboration and partnership in sustainability network to develop and elevate the corporate sustainability practices across value chain.
- To raise employee awareness and engagement and cultivate understanding and culture of sustainability to be in the same direction as well as embed sustainability practices in usual business operations. The Committee shall provide advice and promote both resources and human capital to effectively drive these matters to employees at all level corporate-wide.
- To summary sustainability performances and propose to the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors for acknowledgement and/or approval at least once a year.
2023 Performances of SD Committee
The SD Committee acknowledged environmental, social and governance performance of The Erawan Group. They considered policies, targets, directions and strategies of the Company as well as engaged with all stakeholders, from corporate to individual levels. The SD Committee acknowledged and considered on any partnerships for sustainability as well as participation in community engagement, supplier and employee development. In addition, the SD Committee also performed as a key participant in sustainability-related projects or activities.
The SD Committee is mainly responsible for the corporate’s environmental performance and climate actions.
2023 SD Committee’s Meeting Attendance
SD Committee | Position | Meetings | No.1/2023 | No.2/2023 | No.3/2023 |
1. Mr. Youssef Elkhomri | Chairman | 3/3 | |||
2. Mr. Navarat Tamsuwan | Member | 2/3 | - | ||
3. Ms. Kanokwan Thongsiwarugs | Member | 3/3 | |||
4. Ms. Sangjun Oranrittinun | Member | 2/3 | - | ||
5. Ms. Suvimon Rojkangsadan | Member | 3/3 | |||
6. Ms. Ploi Aranyakanond | Member | 3/3 | |||
7. Mr. Powpan Werakul | Member | 3/3 | |||
8. Mr. Sebastian Frederic Salmon | Member | 3/3 | |||
9. Ms. Nalinee Krisadavivat | Member | 3/3 | |||
10. Ms. Pichanun Boonpromgul | Member | 3/3 | |||
Summary of meeting attendance (%) | 90.91% | 90.91% | 100.00% |