s new shares to be traded on 9 December 2014

Additional listed securities Subject : Additional listed shares Company name : THE ERAWAN GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (ERW) Old capital (baht) : 2,477,091,985.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 2,477,091,985 Number of additional shares : - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 1,685,790 New capital (baht) : 2,478,777,775.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 2,478,777,775 Par value (baht per share) : 1.00000 Allocated to : The directors and employees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries under the ESOP#3 for the first lot amounting to 1,560,790 common shares. Offering price (baht per share) : 3.10 Offering date : From 24-Nov-2014 to 28-Nov-2014 Allocated to : The directors and employees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries under the ESOP#3 for the second lot amounting to 95,000 common shares. Offering price (baht per share) : 3.00 Offering date : From 24-Nov-2014 to 28-Nov-2014 Allocated to : The directors and employees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries under the ESOP#3 for the third lot amounting to 30,000 common shares. Offering price (baht per share) : 2.90 Offering date : From 24-Nov-2014 to 28-Nov-2014 Trading date : 09-Dec-2014 ______________________________________________________________________